Philip Rivers How Many Kids

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How our experts predict the 2020 NFL season playing out

Anne Bradstreet was born Anne Dudley in 1612 in Northamptonshire, England. She married Simon Bradstreet, a graduate of Cambridge University, at the age of 16. Two years later, Bradstreet, along with her husband and parents, immigrated to America with the Winthrop Puritan group, and the family. Philip Rivers and his wife, Tiffany Rivers, have nine kids. The couple just welcomed their ninth child, Anna, to the world in March. The other eight Rivers’ children range in ages 16 to three.

INDIANAPOLIS — Boy meets girl.

The boy, a year ahead of the girl and the son of a football coach, follows his dad to a different high school nearby. He blossoms into a star, heads off to college. The girl follows a year later, lives with the boy’s parents in his college town.

They get married after the boy’s freshman year.

The boy, Philip Rivers, is going to college and playing football. Sometimes he gets to sleep in, stay in the bed until 10 a.m. The girl, his wife Tiffany, is making the money, working at a day care, getting up early even after getting pregnant with their first child.

They decide they’re not going to put a number on how many kids they might have. Philip and Tiffany both come from families of three kids, but Philip’s family tree is full of big, heavy branches. Both his mom and his grandfather came from families of nine: seven girls, two boys.

© Kirby Lee, Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports Then with the Los Angeles Chargers, quarterback Philip Rivers kisses wife Tiffany during practice on Aug. 17,

“I think really, it was just whatever God’s will was,” Rivers said. “We were just open. Certainly didn’t have a number on it. Still don’t.”

The number, so far, is nine.

Seven girls. Two boys.

The boy, Philip, and the girl, Tiffany, happily have their house and their hands full.

“Our relationship is key, too, in raising a big family, because we were best friends first,” Rivers said. “My wife, she always says I’m the head and she’s the heart.”

Rivers has always believed the most important thing a parent can give their children is time.

There are two distinct seasons in the Rivers household: the offseason, when Rivers is home a lot, picking up the kids from school and coaching Little League teams, and the NFL season, when his job commands a lot of his attention and Tiffany’s remarkable strength and perspective amaze her husband even more than they normally do.

“It’s funny, because I don’t feel the stress, but mentally, physically, it can be wearing on the whole house, in general,” Rivers said. “I always go, ‘Football season’s here, it’s great!’ and Tiffany’s like, ‘It is great, you’re just in a different mode.’”

A mode that still includes the entire family.

Even as Rivers the quarterback is in his element — few people love the sport of football more than him, a 38-year-old who still seems as excited as a sixth-grader to get on the practice field — Rivers the father is still intent on giving his kids the most important thing. The Rivers family tries to eat together on Wednesdays and Thursdays during the season, around 6:30 or 7 p.m., and when he’s home, Rivers tries to be as present as possible: listening to their stories, reading a book to the younger ones, playing in the yard, finding time to be silly. He likes to talk things through with his kids, thoroughly explore their hearts.

Philip, the head, is the one who pushes his kids a little bit, who challenges them to overcome the obstacle. The one who teaches them to swim, to ride a bike, to attack the math worksheet and figure it out. The one who sees the ball bounce off his kid’s head in the yard and tries the old parent’s trick, telling them they’re OK, trying to teach them to overcome the setback and keep going.

© Kirby Lee, Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports Philip Rivers with wife Tiffany Rivers during his practice witht he Los Angeles Chargers in Costa Mesa, California, on Aug 17, 2017.

Tiffany, the heart, is the one more likely to comfort when it’s something a little more serious, when they can’t just bounce right back. She’s also the one who sees the world a little differently, who can bring a different perspective to her husband in the middle of the football season, who helps him see what’s happening on the field a different way.

“I think you need that balance,” Rivers said.

The boy, Philip, and the girl, Tiffany, teach certain principles, essential principles, to every one of their kids. A devout Catholic family, they’re raising their children to know, love and serve God, and to love others. To love their family. To lead their siblings, to look out for them.

But as every parent knows, each one of the kids has his or her own personality,own spark, own identity.

“One in college, one in high school, and then an eighth-grader, sixth-grader, fifth-grader, third-grader, first-grader, preschooler, the little baby, the dynamics are different with all of them,” Rivers said. “They’re all awesome in their own unique way.”

family goals 🥰

— Los Angeles Chargers (@Chargers) November 4, 2019


The oldest, born while Rivers was still at North Carolina State, is 18 now, headed off to college and remarkably mature, a young woman who plays tennis, loves to sit and visit, to grab a cup of coffee and read.

Quiet and strong, a leader for the rest of the kids.

“She reminds me, big-time, of her mom, which is a big compliment,” Rivers said. “The biggest compliment I can probably give.”

Halle has always felt for others, feels the highs and lows of her father’s career more than anybody else. When she was 7 or 8, Rivers and the Chargers lost a divisional playoff game in Pittsburgh, and when he called home, Halle was inconsolable.

“’I know Dad wanted to go to the Super Bowl so bad,’” Rivers remembers Halle telling her mother. “So she kind of takes it in, takes on those emotions.”


Rivers and his second-oldest see the world differently. They catch every oddity, every detail. If the family’s in the car, flying down the highway and a farmer’s off in a field half a mile away picking a strawberry, Caroline sees it with crystal clarity, then throws it back to her dad.

“We are a lot alike,” Rivers said.

Now that she’s in high school, it means her parents can’t get away with a stumble in the kitchen or wearing the wrong shirt. Her eyes catch everything.

“She doesn’t let anything slide,” Rivers said.

Always ready with a joke or a laugh, Caroline has the wit to make the barbs sting a little.

And when she wants something, she’s not about to let go of the idea easily.

“Caroline is very strong-willed, and I say that as a huge compliment,” Rivers said. “She’s kind of a go-getter in that regard.”


Philip Rivers How Many Kids

Gallery: Sarah Michelle Gellar, Freddie Prinze Jr.'s Parenting Quotes Raising 2 Kids (US Weekly)

They used to call her Combo.

Grace is like a blend of her mother and her father, capable of fitting in almost anywhere, ready for anything.

“She goes with the flow,” Rivers said.

A tennis player like her older sisters and a basketball player like Caroline, Grace is comfortable playing Wiffle Ball in the yard with the boys, comfortable heading off to shop with the girls, fully invested with the younger kids when they’re playing house and ready to stay up late with her dad watching a game.

“Grace, to me, is so versatile,” Rivers said.

He finds himself marveling at the way she’s grown up, the way she’s matured. The conversations Rivers can have with Grace — with all three of his oldest, really — are beyond her years, and he can see her following in her older sisters’ footsteps as a leader.


When Gunner was 6 or 7, his dad got up from the Colts game they were watching to go into the kitchen.

“He wouldn’t miss a play at that age, which is rare,” Rivers said.

All of a sudden, Gunner started hollering. Reggie Wayne had just run a sick post-corner. Rivers couldn’t believe a kid so young knew what that route looked like, but when he watched the replay, he had to admit his son knew his stuff.

The oldest Rivers son is still a mini-SportsCenter, capable of rattling off the NBA scores or the Padres’ record or the next golf major.

A quarterback with the same weird throwing motion as his dad, Gunner inherited his dad’s love of sports.

But he plays them all — just about every sport imaginable — with his mom’s temperament.

“He’s a lot more even-keel than I am,” Rivers said.


She landed smack-dab in the middle. The middle of all those Rivers children. Right between the two boys, in the middle of all of that physicality and energy.

Sarah can hold her own. If there’s a big group in the house, five or six members of the family sitting around and talking, Sarah’s going to be right in the middle of it, the life of the conversation.

“Sarah’s got a big personality, loves to talk,” Rivers said. “She is chatty, and I say that in a good way.”

Up until this summer, Sarah was the only member of the Rivers clan who hadn’t found a sport.

But she started swimming after the family moved to Indianapolis. Won first place in a meet.

“That was really big for her, confidence-wise,” Rivers said. “We were glad to see her find her thing.”


For an 8-year-old, Peter sure seems to be ahead of his time.

Peter will get up early, get himself dressed, take out the dog and sit down to eat some breakfast. When his dad’s trying to put together some furniture, Peter will be right there trying to help him out, and if he starts to tire out at the end of the day, he’s headed to bed.

“I always say Pete has an old soul,” Rivers said.

Like his older brother, Peter loves sports, but he loves them a little differently. Loves the patience of baseball and golf, likes the outdoors, loves hunting and fishing and throwing a slingshot in the yard.

Gunner’s always been a quarterback, and Peter can throw it, too, but he also likes being on the receiving end.

“He kind of reminds me of a little slot receiver,” Rivers said. “Kind of like a Wes Welker.”


She's all in on her father’s new team.

“’Hey, Daddy, we don’t like the Chargers anymore,’” Rebecca, or Becca for short, told her father. “Only the Colts.”

Rivers tried to pump the brakes a little bit, tried to tell his daughter she didn’t have to hate the Chargers. Either way, she loves wearing her Colts shirt.

As long as it’s on correctly. If something’s scratching her in her shirt or a sock’s crumpled up between the toes, Becca’s going to make sure it gets fixed and gets fixed soon.

In a family of nine kids, there are going to be some similarities, and Becca reminds her parents of Caroline. Very sweet, but strong-willed.

Not that it’s a problem.

“Sometimes that trait can be deemed a negative, but I think the strong-willed ones usually end up doing awesome things,” Rivers said.


Born on the same day as Becca, only two years later, Clare is dead set on following in her older sister’s footsteps, forming the start of another trio of siblings within the larger Rivers family.

“They use the term they’re 'birthday sisters',” Rivers said. “They enjoy having the same birthday right now. I don’t know if it will be the same when they’re 12 or 14.”

If Becca’s playing house, Clare’s playing house. If Becca’s playing in the yard, Clare’s close behind.

But Rivers has a sneaking suspicion that Clare has remarkable athleticism running through her veins. Clare has only done gymnastics to this point, but there might be some other sports in her future.

“When she runs, and her build, I don’t know if I’ve seen such fit calves and legs on a 4-year-old,” Rivers said. “When she runs, she runs with intensity.”

ANNA, 1½

The baby of the family didn’t walk until she was 16 months old.

Too many people in the house who wanted to hold her and carry her around. Now a year and a half old, Anna’s already so vibrant that it’s hard to resist the little one.

“She’s so spunky and has such a huge personality,” Rivers said. “Her facial expressions, the way she interacts with all of her siblings and us, she makes us laugh.”

How Many Kids Does Philip Rivers Has

Anna’s into books right now.

Deep into books. She’ll make her dad read “Good Night Moon” or “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See” a half-dozen times in a row, soaking up the story and the cuddles.

Philip Rivers Wife

Unless her sisters are on the move.

“If she hears the girls open the door to go outside, she’s reaching to get down and go run after them,” Rivers said.

What makes it all worth it


The boy has turned into a star now, a household name intent on taking the Colts to the mountaintop in the final seasons of his long, productive career.

And there’s a moment in the football season that comes every couple of weeks, a moment he relishes.

Rivers gets off of the plane after a road game, and gets into his car, the wear and tear of the game still fresh, the familiar soreness setting into his body. Win or loss, Rivers heads for home, mind still churning, cycling both backward through the game and forward to the next opponent.

Then he turns onto his street and sees his house, the picture coming into his mind as he pulls into his driveway. Maybe Brett Young’s country song, “Lady,” is on the radio, the song that always reminds Rivers simultaneously of his daughters and his incredible wife, that vocalizes his hope that his daughters will turn out like the amazing woman he married.

Rivers sees chalk on the sidewalk, balls in the yard, scooters and bicycles strewn all over the place.

“I always just kind of smile,” Rivers said. “You know what? Everything’s going to be all right.”

This article originally appeared on Indianapolis Star: Colts QB Philip Rivers on his nine children: 'All awesome in their own unique way'

Philip Rivers Wife And Children

The Smok Novo 2 can be considered as the world’s smallest vaporizer. Its big feature is that it uses two personal charge batteries instead of the standard one. A personal charge battery is recommended to be used when you are using the device at the same time as a charger. This helps to save time. The Smok Novo 2 is very easy to use. However, you need to follow some basic rules to avoid damage to your electric appliance.

You have in order to follow the recommended dose instruction to avoid nicotine salt through damaging your entire body. You will find different brand names of this device. To get a far better experience, you could choose a pod-style devices instead regarding the standard kinds. The Smok Novo 2 as well as other these kinds of pod-style devices usually are designed to assist people quit the physical act of smoking.

Smok Novo a couple of has two sorts — the SMOK VOLKSWAGEN and the guy pod style. The person pod devices are super easy to use because these people are smaller plus less heavy compared to other. This can make them easier to be able to carry around. Smok Novo 2 is more expensive than typically the other but presently there are also other superior products that are cheaper. The just drawback of the guy pod devices is usually that they perform not have the dual coil program.

The original novo pod kit has two sorts – the SMOK NOVA and the mtl. You should select the best item that matches your requirements. The Smok Novo 2 has larger wattage due to its bigger size. They have 2 coils, one out of the particular top chamber and something at the base. These two chambers give better flavour because of their different heating components.

The replacement Smok Novo 2 kit is available in diverse colors and you may change the color anytime you want. They have different amounts of heat for example mild, moderate plus strong. Because associated with the changing shelves, it is advised that you make use of a regulated heater in order to prevent overheating in Vape Pen addition to burning of your tongue. Using the regulated heater will certainly also protect the mouth area from getting burned up.

The particular Smok Novo a couple of has a new innovative design as opposed to the previous generation. The original version utilized three plates where the two higher chambers were heated up. The newest type eliminates two heat chambers for the more efficient method of producing vapor. When utilizing this new advancement, the likelihood of experiencing excessive heating is almost eliminated.

When replacing your old Smok Novo 2 pod kit with the newer version, presently there are a few things you will have to keep in thoughts. You will want to determine the wattage plus the BTU. When you understand these numbers, it will be possible to replace typically the previous generation’s battery packs with the newer ones.

Philip Rivers House Pictures


How Many Kids Does Philip Rivers Have

There are a few different types of nicotine shipping and delivery systems available these days. Some are much better than others and this all depends on what you’re looking with regard to in your next electronic device. If you are after a neck hit, you might like to buy a nicotine patch. If you might like to possess more of a vapor, an individual may want in order to obtain a portable electric device that is similar to a pen. Either way, the Smok Novo 2 Pod Kit is a great product of which allows you to upgrade your electronic devices to a high quality, low cost digital product.

The biggest improvement you can make when upgrading coming from an older version to the Smok Novo 2 Pod Package would be to replace the batteries. The first electric battery life for this specific computer was great, but with continued make use of over time, the electric battery life will start to diminish. To solve this trouble, a brand new battery lifestyle saving cap has been added to be able to the Smok Novo 2 . not This simple step alone enables you to enjoy extended battery life. Additionally you now have the ability in order to plug-in the digital device without turning away from the power at the breaker box.

A brand new feature to the Smok Novo a couple of Pod Kit is usually the ability to monitor your electric battery levels. With the ability to keep track of your levels a person will not waste energy or wattage by using a charger which is also large for your own device. With the particular new voltage limiter, power output may be adjusted without having turning on the power switch. This enables one to maintain your own optimal power end result and avoid overheating which can cut short the novo 2’s lifespan. Also together with the ability to be able to monitor the levels, it will be easier to inform when it is time to replace battery packs or re-ground the USB cord.

Other advancements to the Smok Novo 2 include a larger and stronger battery, a bigger and stronger heat chamber, and the larger micro universal serial bus port. Even though these kinds of are minor improvements, they will go a long way in extending the particular life of your respective novo 2 because of the high quality craftsmanship that will went into producing these fantastic products. In case you are considering acquiring one of the Smok Novo 2 Pod Alternatives, take the time to read testimonials written by other consumers and considercarefully what other folks may have mentioned about their knowledge with the item. Smok Novo 2 tends to make a wonderful all-in-one electronic smoking encounter that is best for anybody who wishes to make the change to smoking smoking cigarettes free.